He's Always There
Andrey Karjaking about his project "He is always there": "I've been living in Moscow at Prospekt Mira metro station all my life. Last winter I decided to photograph the most important places of my native area for memory. Something extremely important was happening to me in them. Probably, these pictures show how I was formed and matured. Of course, only I see it, but this story was originally planned as something very personal. Now I understand that this series is like a diary for me, which I wrote from memory after everything happened. My neighborhood for me is that magical place of power that I'm just happy to be in."
The exhibition was supported by the Vladimir Smirnov and Konstantin Sorokin Foundation.
He's Always There
I've been living in Moscow all my life at Prospekt Mira metro station. Last winter I decided to photograph the most important places of my native area for memory. Something extremely important was happening to me in them. Probably, these pictures show how I was formed and matured. Of course, only I see it, but this story was originally planned as something very personal. Now I understand that this series is like a diary for me, which I wrote from memory after everything happened.
My neighborhood for me is a magical place of power that I'm just happy to be in

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